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Quas Leaving League of Legends Due To Depression


In what has caught many League of Legends fans off guard, Diego “Quas” Ruiz that after  “an incident occurred […] at the Team Liquid HQ in Los Angeles.” Quas was suspended from Team Liquid and has since decided to retire from eSports all together. Quas later stated that “depression and anxiety issues” were not the reasons behind the decision.

Below is Quas full statement that he posted on TwitLonger…


“Hey everyone, I want to voice my thoughts and talk about my situation for all the fans out there who are curious about what happened. At my request, Team Liquid did not disclose any details regarding the suspension and I thank them for that.

I never spoke out about this but I might as well do it now. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety issues growing up since my early teenage years, having a hard time building relationships with people and getting along with others in healthy ways.

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My biggest way to cope with this has been through video games; to me it’s been more than just a hobby; I’d describe it as a way of seeking greatness and motivation towards something while staying in a comfort zone. It distracted me from dealing with some of my personal issues, as well as pursuing my own goals in life. My mind was so focused on video games that I was able to get a P-1 Athletic visa and gain recognition as one of the best players in my role. I was given opportunities that were not available in Venezuela and under Team Curse and then Team Liquid was able to compete, earn a good living and have experiences I never thought I would have.

The last couple of weeks have been pivotal for my self-development. I started taking responsibility over my depression and frustrations about my personal development thus far in my life. You could call it growing up, whatever it is, it has given me more control of what I want to do moving forward. Unfortunately, this process has not been easy and I’ve done it in nonconstructive, aggressive and inappropriate ways that led to behaviors that resulted in my suspension from Team Liquid.

I realize now the impact all of this has had on my teammates, management and other Team Liquid staff is not becoming of any professional athlete.

I’m not going to get into the details and I hope the community and my fans can accept that and support me and the team moving forward. I’ve offered my help in any way that I can to Steve (LiQuiD112 ), so that they can still be a strong and successful team in this next LCS Season.

Having just turned 24 I’ve thought out my options; I’ve decided to retire from professional gaming and in turn pursue other passions in my life; to also get myself out of the comfort zone I’ve become accustomed to. As far as my future – I’m still figuring out the details but for now I’m looking to pursue a medical career.

In the meantime, while I get going, I’ll do private lessons with fans and use my expertise in League while I explore schooling options. Additionally, I’m nearly completed with a top lane book project that I started a few months ago that will be my last contribution to the league community and my fans.”

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