Welcome to GAMINERD.
Since 2004, our mission has been to develop and share the kind of quality content that we would want to read, and that the gaming community at large would want to read. Each member of our staff is an avid gamer, so when we say our content is “written by gamers,” we mean it.
All articles on our website are contributed on a strictly voluntary basis, and our writers are allowed to cover whatever particular subjects interest them, because we are all ultimately here to share our passion for gaming with the the rest of the gaming community.

Our History
GAMINERD was originally founded in 2004 by Andrew Nowlin as a personal gaming blog dedicated to Xbox. Over the years, others showed interest in contributing and eventually the website developed into a small news and reviews website. In 2010,
Andrew and the other contributors decided that a name change would be appropriate since the website had developed into more than a personal gaming blog, and as such GamingConviction.com was born. Since 2010, our humble website has steadily grown in popularity, averaging up to 10,000 unique visitors each month.
In late 2013, we launched a public gaming community and dedicated server network, and currently host game servers for a variety of titles as well as a public Teamspeak 3 server. Since it’s launch in 2013, our servers have hosted thousands of gamers and we have developed an active gaming community across nearly every platform. In 2014, after a short hiatus, we rebuilt the website and covering all platforms. In June of 2015, we launched a completely redesigned website and are currently in the process of rebuilding the community website.
The website was rebranded to GAMINERD in 2023. The name, a combination of the words Gaming and Nerd, was chosen as it was both unique, and allows us to expand in to other nerdy subjects adjacent to gaming-only content.