Last Friday, Microsoft announced on their website that members of the Windows Insider Program who tested the latest version of Windows 10 would receive the full version of Windows 10. Over the weekend, Microsoft Exec Gabe Aul made several confirmations of this on twitter, and stated in no uncertain terms that everyone “running a prerelease build connected with a registered MSA” would have a genuine, activated copy of Windows 10 in July when Windows 10 is released.
However, despite all of the announcements, Microsoft silently retracted this offer today when Aul updated the Microsoft blog post that originally announced the offer on Friday to state that Insider program members will have the option to continue using the latest (and buggiest) beta builds of Windows 10 after release, or opt out of the program. Those who choose to opt out of the program will not receive a free copy of Windows 10 unless they take advantage of the existing free upgrade offer for Windows 7 and 8 users.
This is definitely disappointing news for those who were hoping to bag a free copy of Windows in exchange for time and effort testing and giving feedback. Considering that Microsoft is already handing out Windows 10 like candy to the vast majority of PC owners, what are a few extra free copies? Apparently too much.