Earlier today Joystiq reported that Zenimax, the studio who helped develop Elder Scrolls Online, was hit with layoffs this morning. Bethesda’s Vice President of Public Relations Pete Hines had this to say…
“As is the norm for games of this type, we had ramped up a large workforce to develop a game of vast scale, and ramped up our customer service to handle the expected questions and community needs of The Elder Scrolls Online at launch. Now that we are nearly 6 months post launch, we have a thriving online community in a game that runs smoothly.”
“We remain strongly committed to The Elder Scrolls Online, and continue to invest heavily to develop new content for PC players, prepare the game for its console launch, and handle our planned expansion into important international territories. As for customer service, we continue to operate large support centers in Hunt Valley, MD and Galway, Ireland.”
The exact number of employees released have yet to go public. We do wish the best for those affected.