PQube have announced that Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkuni will be coming to both Europe and North America by the end of this year. The game is exclusive to the PS Vita and will be released both physically and digitally.
You can read the overview provided by PQube down below…
In the world of Valkyrie Drive, a group of girls have been infected with the mysterious Armed Virus. When infected, the girls either become Extars who transform into high powered weapons when sexually aroused, or Liberators who after triggering a transformation, have the power to wield the Extar’s weapon form, the Liberator Arms.
Grinding for new and more powerful weapons will never be tedious again!
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- When two girls get it on – one girl turns into a super weapon
- Wield your incredible pleasure powered weapons to take on hordes of enemies
- Ultra-fast hack and slash action with a focus on stylish aerial combos
- Power up your weapons by turning on your girlfriends
- Weapons can be levelled up in strength up to 15 times – getting bigger and more awesome looking every time
- Take your favourite girls into the dressing room and rub and touch to raise their levels
- Choose between 7 playable characters to master
- Return of the clothing destruction system – clothes get more ripped the more you fight
- 28 Story Missions to tackle – with high quality anime visuals
- Battle it out in arena based online multiplayer – up to 4 players
In this article:PS Vita, Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni