While it’s easy to assume that mostly males play video games, there is still a very large amount of female gamers out there and the number is growing every single day. During a recent investor’s Briefing, Nintendo noted they want to attract more female gamers to their 3DS handheld. Stating…
“Approximately 70 percent of the consumers playing Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer in Japan are female, and in terms of our goal for the Japanese market to increase the number of female consumers, as I just mentioned, we feel we have obtained a definite positive result. In the upcoming year-end sales season, we will launch a special set of light and compact New Nintendo 3DS with cover plates of “Hello Kitty,” “Animal Crossing” and “Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary.” By mainly focusing on female consumers with these items, we would like to continue to give momentum to the Nintendo 3DS market.”