E3 is a little over a month away and Nintendo have detailed their plans for the event as of today.
Their plans will pretty much center around The Legend of Zelda as they are replacing their annual Digital Event with a day-long livestream of The Legend of Zelda for Wii U. Below is the full rundown…
Nintendo Treehouse: Live
Nintendo’s kickoff to E3 2016 begins at 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. PT on Tuesday, June 14, when Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime introduces “Nintendo Treehouse: Live,” which will be dedicated to a day of live-streamed gameplay from The Legend of Zelda. This will be the world’s first in-depth look at the game, which will also include commentaries by Nintendo developers. This will be available on Twitch, YouTube, and at Nintendo’s E3 website.
E3 Booth
The newest game in The Legend of Zelda franchise will be playable on Wii U for the first time ever at the expo. It will be the only playable game in Nintendo’s booth via extended demos.
Series Producer Eiji Aonuma has said that this new installment in The Legend of Zelda franchise will be a clean break from the conventions of previous games, removing boundaries that forced players to follow a set path and introducing new gameplay that has not been experienced in previous games in the series.
Win a Trip to E3
One lucky fan and a companion will be flown to Los Angeles to enjoy The Legend of Zelda person and be among the first to play the game on the show floor.
Between now and May 10, Nintendo is offering a sweepstakes on Twitter for a chance to win a trip for two to E3 to play the game. Anyone who tweets @NintendoAmerica a note about what The Legend of Zelda series means to them while using the hashtags #MyZeldaLegend and #NintendoSweepstakes will be entered for a chance to win.
Fans can share messages about their favorite games, characters or memories of the franchise. Nintendo will select a winner at random. The prize package includes airfare for two, a hotel stay, tickets to E3, a $500 prepaid VISA debit card. For all the details about the sweepstakes, visit Nintendo’s E3 website.