Many fans of the Grand Theft Auto series were introduced to the series when Grand Theft Auto III was released back in 2001. The game went on to sell extremely well and was voted Game of the Year the same year. It’s also become one of the most popular games along the speedrunning community.
Earlier today popular GTA speedrunner UltimaOmega07 set the World Record for Grand Theft Auto III in the All Missions category. UltimaOmega07 did it with a time of 3 hours 09 minutes 01 seconds. This beats the previous record held by MisterPost and their time of 3 hours 16 minutes 01 seconds.
In this article:Claude Speed, Game of the Year, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 3, Playstation 2, PS2, Rockstar Games, UltimaOmega07