This week Bungie is at Gamescom and has kicked off their week long stint at the gaming convention with a livestream detailing Rise of Iron’s new crucible mode and more. The beginning of the livestream today showed off a very nice ViDoc about the Rise of Iron expansion with plenty of information, you can check that out above!

Private Matches are confirmed and coming in Rise of Iron. You can choose the map, the game type, and jump right in. Many Guardians have been asking for this feature for a long time. The Private Match can be started on your own to explore the maps. You can swap between teams creating a one on five or whatever combination you would like. If the map is an open, outdoor map, you can choose the time of day and say on First Light map you can turn vehicles on or off. You can change the time limit and score limit as well to allow for more variations for guardians to play around with. You can turn on or off if the Light Level of Guardians will attribute to their strength. Also, a nice little feature to the Private Matches will be a Clan Clubhouse. Basically if you have a lot of players from one clan then it will feature their name at the top of the screen.

New Crucible Game Mode: Supremacy
Supremacy will be a new game mode which is similar to Kill Confirmed in Call of Duty. You can pick up crests based on a red or blue color. Red is the enemies crests which scores points for you and blue prevents the enemies from scoring on your crests but you can not score on your own crest. Each crest is worth one point and the kill counts as a point meaning you can gain two points per kill. The crests have physical attributes meaning you can move them with grenades and rockets. They showed an example of one sliding down stairs. The overall point of this game type will be to have patience and teamwork. You don’t want to rush out into the open to grab crests and risk losing your own to an enemy but if you have a couple of teammates with you it may be worth the risk.

There are three new maps in this expansion for crucible, Last Exit which is a close combat map on Venus, Floating Garden which is an open type map but also has three lanes to run but features close combat as well. The last map is called Skyline and is featured on Mars.
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The new strike coming is called The Wretched Eye which features a Fallen Siva Captain that has taken an Ogre Eye and fixed it on his gun while a blind Ogre runs around trying to smash you. They have reprised two other strikes. Sepiks Prime is coming back as Sepiks Perfected and Phogoth strike is back as well both with SIVA infected into it.

You can get a discounted price on the Destiny: The Collection for those of you that may get a Playstation 4 or Xbox One and had Destiny Taken King digitally on the legacy consoles. If you upgrade over onto the current consoles you can upgrade for $39.99 which will include Rise of Iron. Destiny: The Collection is the entire Destiny experience from Year One through Year Three and will cost you $59.99. Rise of Iron will launch on September, 20th along with Destiny: The Collection.