Today Bungie held another Twitch Livestream which revealed some more details of what we can expect in the April Update. Last week they showed us a bit about the Prison Of Elders which you can read all about here. Things have been “Takenized” for some of these new items coming with the update being released on April 12. First off though Deej, the community leader, shows off a no hud mode where you can now take screenshots or videos in the Destiny world in a much easier way. You can also change the transparency of the hud itself in case you are using a plasma television and don’t want the classic image burn.
Next up they showcased Chroma Colors. Chroma Colors adds a glow effect to your armor and weapons. There are four different colors for you to customize the glow, they are red, blue, gold, and white. You can have all of them unified throughout or each armor/weapon individualized with a different colored glow. Deej then showcased some new armor from the three different factions, all of which can have Chroma Colors as well.
From there the livestream showed off the Desolate armor, which is a full set of Taken armor. You will need to collect each piece to get the full look of being a Taken. Once you collect all of the armor pieces you will earn a Taken Emote to really give your character that final touch needed to be a Taken. The next set of armor is the Spektar armor. It really shows off the Chroma Colors effect well. The Taken Armor and Spektar armor are found within the Sterling Treasure box. You can find the Sterling Treasure Boxes through completing the level 41 Prison of Elders, completing the weekly crucible event once a week, or purchase through the Eververse using Silver. You are guaranteed one item out of each of the two sets within the Sterling Treasure box which can be ships, Desolate armor, Spektar armor, chroma colors, and rank up boosts for Vanguard or Factions. When they opened the Treasure Box on the stream it showed two items being released to the player. One was a new Spektar helm and the other being two white chroma colors.
Light that you infuse into another armor or weapon goes straight to that light level once the April Update hits. There is no in between now. This is an extremely welcomed change as players won’t have to breakdown multiple weapons and gear just to get their light level higher. Since you won’t be breaking down as many weapons and armor pieces an extra tab is now unlocked in the vault for player’s Weapons and Armor tabs. Bungie will be bringing back a few year one weapons that were favorites among the players as well for you to find and earn. Making that additional Vault space all the more valuable.
Bungie will be having another livestream next week on Twitch which you can find here. The next livestream will be April 6th at 2PM Eastern and 11AM Pacific. They will be showcasing their last livestream before the April Update. It will feature “New Live Updates” which was mentioned in the stream today as a focus on Crucible and subclasses. This can be good news or bad news depending on which subclass is your favorite to use. So far the April Update for Destiny looks like it will definitely bring some much needed content to the game since a majority of the players have completed the Kings Fall Raid plenty of times by now. Destiny is currently debuting the exotics that are coming in the April Update over on Instagram right now. Stay tuned to Gaming Conviction for more updates.