Capcom has decided to allow more time for development of their games to ensure top quality. This comes after Street Fighter V failed to reached its original sales goal of 2 million copies. In a recent financial results briefing, Chairman and CEO of Capcom Kenzo Tsujimoto, said that Street Fighter V “needed more polish, such as the lack of content and server issues at launch.”
Tsujimoto also said..
“Accordingly, we feel it’s better to give a little more time to development than before, and have made slight adjustments to our portfolio. Profits may take one or two years longer to stack up than initially expected, however we will be firmly strengthening our brands.”
This will undoubtedly be a welcome change as Street Fighter V’s unsatisfying story mode, massive network instability, and overall lack of content left many players spurned and uninterested. It does however, sound as though Capcom may finally be learning from their mistakes. And even with Street Fighter V’s disappointing sales, Tsujimoto still expects high profits in the long run with “growth in excess of 10%.”