The little dutch boy holding his finger in the dam had his work cut out for him. Over the past week leaks have sprung from the dam to the point of not being able to contain what was coming in the newest expansion of Destiny. Rise of Iron will be coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 only meaning the last gen consoles are being left out. This expansion will release on September 20th and cost $30. Bungie wanted to make it clear that this expansion is very large. That being said it seems similar to Taken King in scale. The story will be a cinematic one similar to Taken King as well. Lord Saladin was shown patrolling The Wall with a pack of wolves in the trailer.
Bungie started the live stream today with the announcement that we are getting Gjallahorn back. This being said there are two new variants it seems coming to us. The first as a pre-order bonus called the Iron Gjallahorn, but the second was mentioned and not shown. The second will be a Gjallahorn we make through the mutated Fallen Armor. This will follow a quest line similar to how the other Taken King exotics.
Rise of Iron will be focused mainly on a story about the Iron Lords. The Iron Lords were guardians who sacrificed themselves to lock away a plague called SIVA. The Fallen have found SIVA and are using it to mutate themselves into much more powerful beings. The Guardians will start this expansion at The Wall, which has changed since we last visited it, and traverse outside to a place called Felwinters Peak. This new social area must be recaptured from the Fallen so that we can use it as our base to make a stand against the mutated aggressors. Felwinters Peak is an area Guardians will get to explore and gain more knowledge on the Iron Lords. There are giant statues that were erected to preserve their memory and that they did to help protect The Last City.
From the new social area Guardians will explore into The Plaguelands, a new area similar to the Cosmodrome. Guardians will have a new area to patrol with Rise of Iron. You can expect plenty patrol beacons and Public Events to be found in the Plaguelands. This new area features Fallen heavily with Fallen Fortresses that they are building using the SIVA Plague. Think of this plague as a corrupted Golden Age technology. The Fallen themselves have been using Splicers to combine their own bodies with SIVA to become stronger. By doing so they have some very different looks to them with new abilities and attacks. With the enemies getting stronger you can expect the Guardians to step up their own weapons to be able to take down them down. There is a new relic weapon similar to the Scorch Cannon which is the Flaming Battle Axe we see Lord Saladin holding. The only other weapon officially announced today was the Gjallahorn but we can also expect to see a significant increase in light level.
That was all that they shared with us about the expansion’s story. They also mentioned that we would be getting a new six player raid, new strikes, but also some that are updated to reflect the expansion. New Patrols and Public Events will spread across Earth and possibly onto other planets. We will have to wait and find out how the new mutated Fallen spread. Bungie also mentioned crucible very briefly. Crucible will be getting new maps, a new mode, but also new features. They would not talk about this today unfortunately but the Crucible has become an area of the game that many players feel a bit let down on with all of the exploitations within it. You can expect to hear more from Bungie about Rise of Iron and Destiny 2 next week at E3. Rise of Iron will probably have live streams closer to launch to help Guardians ease their way into this expansion on September 20th.