Runescape, the MMORPG that pretty much everyone has played at one given point or another, will be adding several new features in July as revealed in their Runescape BTS video. One of the biggest features is a new planet will be released named Mazcab and will feature Raids that players can go on. Players will be able to fight many bosses and the environment will randomly change as players progress through the raid. Jagex Developers had this to say regarding the Raids…
“These epic adventures offer a new take on high-level boss fights for groups of up to 10 players. Each raid boss has very different gameplay, with plenty of teamwork required even to reach each fight. There’ll be two bosses with this first release, with plenty of plans for more in the future, growing in difficulty and rewards.”
In addition to this, smaller features will be added such as everyone getting an additional transaction slot at the Grand Exchange with Members receiving 2, Grand Exchange and Sale History interfaces merged together, and an updated Companion App GE.