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Evil Geniuses have announced they have signed Wilton “zews” Prado as their new coach for their CS:GO roster. Zews is a very respected coach...


Skyfoxes have announced they have parted ways with head coach Ju-young “JuYoung“ Lee. Skyfoxes started off the year strong with a first place finish...


Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja have released version 1.08 for their popular game Nioh 2. This update makes several adjustments to the Yokai abilities...


Jupiter is no longer the only team to move their CS:GO roster to Valiant as Japanese team Anti Lilly have announced their counter-striker roster...


Angry Titans have announced they have signed Stanislav “Mistakes“ Danilov to their roster. Mistakes is best known for his time with the Boston Uprising...


Chinese platform Bilibili have announced they have entered an investment agreement with Sony Corporation America. This will see Sony acquired 4.98% of the company...


tinyBuild and Cradle Games have announced that their upcoming game Hellpoint has been delayed. The game was scheduled for release on April 16, but...