Everyone seems to have been busy this past week playing what could possibly be the final Metal Gear Solid game ever Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. If you’ve played the game today than you might have noticed a small patch.
Today Konami released patch 1.03 for PC, and Playstation 4. The full patch details are…
- Fixed an issue where under specific conditions, the game halts progression in the black screens displayed after clearing Mission 29 and Mission 42.
- Fixed the issue where once the prior issue is triggered, the save data goes directly to the black screen and game progression is halted.
- Fixed the issue where using the selection controls during the tutorial when first buying an FOB the game halted progression.
Players on Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Playstation 3 should expect to see patch 1.03 very soon.
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In this article:Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One